Mary Beth DeSario, LCSW

Albany, NY

I am currently a social worker at the Stratton VA . I am the Local Recovery Coordinator there, seeking to promote access to resources for those with an SMI diagnosis, providing individual and group psychotherapy as well as couples therapy . I hold certification in Trauma Focused CBT, IPT, and CBT for Depression, and I am grateful for these modalities. I have, however, seen incredible benefits in my own life and lives of those I work with from coherence breathing and gentle movement practices. I have a passion for integrative medicine; I am certified in Reiki as a level 2 practitioner. I have been co-facilitating groups teaching coherence breathing practices to veterans and staff, to NYS National Guard, and offered these practices to social workers during COVID-19 pandemic through NYS NASW. I participate in my own avid daily yoga, breathing, and meditation practices. I look forward to sharing these safe, gentle, and healing practices.