About BREATH-BODY-MIND™ Teacher Training

Training, Prerequisites, & Follow-up

Breath-Body-Mind Teacher Training currently provides 3 Levels (see details below).

BREATH-BODY-MIND™ practices can be incorporated into many different work settings by a wide range of care providers from classroom teachers to disaster relief workers to mental health professionals and yoga therapists. Our training approach means that trainees may develop different sets of skills, depending upon their backgrounds and professional work settings. For example:

  • Sarah, an experienced yoga teacher, is comfortable teaching yoga classes. She adds Breath-Body-Mind to the repertoire of techniques she offers her students in classes.

  • Melanie is a PhD psychologist who works one-on-one with trauma survivors. She learns how to use breathing to reduce anxiety and other trauma-related symptoms in her patients during therapy sessions and she teaches them to use the same techniques outside of therapy to both reduce symptoms and normalize their stress response system. She may also learn about ways to use Breath-Body-Mind techniques to resolve trauma issues. However, she would not be comfortable or proficient in teaching large groups.

  • Roger is a counselor who works with veterans. He learns how to teach Breath-Body-Mind for relief of combat-related stress to individuals as well as small groups of 10-15 veterans.

  • Ann has taught her high school juniors Coherent Breathing. They love it, especially for stress relief before exams and standardized testing. They are begging for more breathwork.

  • The second graders in Fiona’s class settle down with “HA” Breath, “Ragdoll” and Coherent Breathing.

Level-1 Teacher Training


  1. Completion of a 12-hour Breath-Body-Mind™ Introductory Course

  2. Regular practice of Coherent Breathing at least 20 minutes a day at least 5 days a week (preferably 7 days). Ability to perform Coherent Breathing correctly with comfort and ease.

  3. Complete reading and study of The Healing Power of the Breath book and CD by R.P. Brown & P.L. Gerbarg.


In this first part of the three-level teacher training sequence, you learn to teach the core BBM techniques for stress, anxiety disorders, PTSD, military trauma, post-disaster, depression, ADHD, and stress-related medical conditions. Specific methods taught in this program include:

  • “Ha” breath, coherent breathing, breath moving, 4-4 Breath, and 4-4-6-2 breathing

  • Two of The Four Golden Wheels

  • Body scan, Guided meditation/relaxation

  • Trauma sensitive teaching

  • Introduction to BBM for Children

  • Precautions in teaching individuals with psychiatric and medical conditions

  • Introduction to Integrating Breath Practices with other therapies

  • Increased understanding of neurophysiological effects of voluntarily regulated breathing practices on emotion regulation, bonding, and cognitive function.

  • Practice teaching while faculty observe and offer suggestions for improvement. Attention is given to creating a safe container, tone of voice, pacing, accuracy of instruction, and trauma sensitivity.

With the completion of Level-I Teacher Training participants acquire the skills to:

  • Teach the core BBM practices to individuals

  • Assist others in teaching Breath-Body-Mind Courses at the Introductory Level

Following Level-1 Teacher Training:

We encourage Level-1 Breath-Body-Mind Teachers to continue developing their skills through practice and additional training, which can occur in several forms. It is difficult for many graduates to absorb all that is offered the first time they participate in Level-1 Teacher Training. Here are a few of the ways to learn more:

  1. Continue practicing and teaching Breath-Body-Mind leads to deeper experiences and learning.

  2. Continue attending Breath-Body-Mind courses. Every time you attend a course, you learn more.

  3. Volunteer to assist at Breath-Body-Mind Courses. This gives you an opportunity to observe how Dr. Brown teaches, how participants respond, and how Dr. Gerbarg coaches. Trainees who volunteer are given one-on-one mentoring with hands-on coaching experience during courses. This experience is invaluable for learning how to work with more challenging course participants.

  4. Keep track of upcoming courses so that you do not miss opportunities to volunteer.

  5. Share your progress in adapting Breath-Body-Mind techniques in your own work settings. Tell us what you are doing with the techniques, how your clients and students are responding, what new discoveries you have made, and discuss further enhancements for your work.

  6. Develop your knowledge and skills by attending Level-2 Teacher Training or by repeating Level-1.

Level-2 Teacher Training


  1. Completion of Level-1 BBM Teacher Training.

  2. Regular practice of Coherent Breathing and other techniques for at least 20 min a day at least 5 days per week (preferably 7).

  3. Experience teaching Coherent Breathing and other Breath-Body-Mind techniques.


  • BBM Level-2 Teacher Training takes you to a higher level of proficiency and confidence.

  • Level-2 Teacher Training is an intensive 5-day 30-hour program that prepares you for teaching larger groups and assisting in BBM Programs, increases your confidence, and elevates your technique and delivery.

  • Practice teaching with feedback from BBM faculty expands your repertoire with additional skills in teaching BBM techniques, including 4-4-6-2 (Heart Focus), The Four Golden Wheels (e.g. Sky and Earth), Ocean Breath (Ujjayi), Alternate Nostril Breathing, more Breath Moving circuits, and The Great Harmonizer of Breath.

  • Updates on scientific developments and discussions about incorporating breath practices into psychotherapy, school programs, disaster relief, military groups, hospitals, and other settings will be provided. Practical aspects of planning programs will be discussed

  • Students also attend weekly practice sessions and complete homework assignments.

Following Level-2 Teacher Training:

We encourage Level-2 Breath-Body-Mind Teachers to continue developing their skills through practice and additional training, which can occur in several forms:

  1. Continue attending Breath-Body-Mind courses. Every time you attend a course, you learn more.

  2. Take the initiative to volunteer to assist at Breath-Body-Mind Courses. Observe how Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg teach, as well as how participants respond. Train other volunteers as a one-on-one mentor with hands-on coaching experience during courses. Take responsibility for helping with practical aspects of running courses.

  3. Keep track of upcoming courses by checking the schedule page so that you do not miss opportunities to volunteer.

  4. Take the initiative and share your progress in adapting BBM techniques in your own workplace and other settings. Tell us what you are doing with the techniques, how your clients and students are responding, what new discoveries you have made, and discuss further enhancements for your work.

  5. Develop your knowledge and skills by attending Level-3 Teacher Training or by repeating Level-1 or Level-2.

Level-3 Teacher Training


  1. Completion of Level-2 BBM Teacher Training.

  2. Regular practice of Coherent Breathing and other techniques for at least 20 min a day at least 5 days per week (preferably 7).

  3. Experience teaching BBM and assisting at BBM courses.

  4. Approval of Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg.


  • Level-3 Teacher Training is an intensive 6-day 36-hour program. The purpose of Level-3 is to help participants develop more advanced skills and become better able to assist in training others in how to teach Coherent Breathing and other BBM practices. Each teacher’s progress and skills are evaluated by Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg towards expanding their ability to offer BBM practice sessions (in person or online) and to become mentors.

  • Candidates for Level-3 attend the same course as students for Level-1. During this training, the Level-3 candidates assist in training the Level-1 students. Level-3 candidates lead parts of the training and receive feedback on their teaching techniques.

  • Level-3 candidates will be invited to participate in more advanced techniques with Dr. Brown. Those who are interested in using breathwork in psychotherapy will be invited to meet with Dr. Gerbarg.

  • We work with each candidate to develop the skills needed to become leaders in developing BBM programs for their areas of interest.

  • Level-3 Teachers should be able to explain the basic scientific principles for the effects of breathing practices on stress response, autonomic balance, anxiety, social engagement, bonding, inflammation, and respiratory function.

  • Level-3 Teachers will create and maintain a set of resource materials including manuals, research articles, lecture notes and possibly slides. They will update these regularly.

Following Level-3 Teacher Training:

  1. Level-3 graduates will be listed on the BBM Teacher page and will be invited to create or update their own page as a “Featured Teacher” for the Breath-Body-Mind Website. Photographs, audio recordings or video clips can be used to enhance the description of their professional interests, work, training, and offerings.

  2. Continue attending and assisting at Breath-Body-Mind courses. Every time you participate in a course, you learn more.

  3. Participate in Advanced Breath-Body-Mind courses and trainings.

  4. Take the initiative to volunteer to assist at Breath-Body-Mind Courses. Observe how Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg teach, as well as how participants respond. Train other volunteers as a one-on-one mentor with hands-on coaching experience during courses. Take responsibility for helping with practical aspects of running courses.

  5. Keep track of upcoming courses by checking the schedule page so that you do not miss opportunities to volunteer.

  6. Take the initiative and share your progress in adapting BBM techniques in your own workplace and other settings. Tell us what you are doing with the techniques, how your clients and students are responding, what new discoveries you have made, and discuss further enhancements for your work.

  7. Become a Breath-Body-Mind Mentor. Level-3 teachers who are qualified may request approval from Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg to provide mentoring for other teachers in training at agreed upon fees. Mentoring may be done in person or online.