Derval Dunford, BBM, MBSR, BreathMastery, Yoga Nidra & HeartMath Coach

Westport, Mayo

Derval Dunford is an experienced and creative breath coach, mindfulness and yoga nidra teacher. She works online and onsite with a variety of groups including corporate, school communities and artists, she also does one on one sessions. Breath-Body-Mind techniques are incorporated into most of Derval's sessions and specific breath-Body-Mind sessions are also available on request.

A pioneer in mindfulness and breathwork in Ireland, Derval has worked with over 9,000 primary school teachers online. Thousands of children have been positively impacted by her programmes and her audio tracks in classrooms nationwide since 2011.
"Derval's breathwork programme has had a massive impact on my anxiety in the classroom and at home. It is an instantly accessible tool and requires zero planning. I absolutely love it, the kids do, too. During covid it has been an absolute Godsend." Dalva McPhillips, Primary School Teacher, Lankill N.S. Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Derval’s previous clients include Health Care Executive staff, the INTO (Irish National Teacher’s Organisation), the IPPN ( Irish Primary Principal’s Network), Mayo Mental Health staff, Mayo County Council, Education Centres and Family Centres nationwide. She has presented at many national educational conferences, and alongside global breathwork leaders at the inaugural Breathing Festival, Los Cabos, Mexico.
Having suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in early adulthood, and chronic fatigue in her thirties, Derval was inspired to explore health and wellbeing at a deep level. A blend of simplicity, creativity, fun and connection with nature make Derval’s programmes unique.
"These practices of Derval’s allowed me to change my clinical practice. I only wish I had started sooner. Derval’s work offers this opportunity to the younger generation to start early and enjoy a better quality of life."
Dr. Ursla Skerritt, retired Consultant Psychiatrist Health Care Executive, Co. mayo, Ireland.

Derval Dunford