Ann Fleuchaus

New York City, NY

My name is Ann Fleuchaus and I have lived and worked in NYC for the past 25 years. I have been involved in teaching yoga and meditation as well as creating a private healing practice. Some of my certifications include: Touch for Health, NLP, Access Bars, Rising Star, Spinal Fluid Technique and EFT. I am grateful to these modalities for bringing such clarity and understanding into my life and practice, and yet, my greatest sense of personal wholeness has come from the Breath Work with Drs. Brown and Gerbarg. The Breath Work is simple, practical and effective and is a great adjunct to any other activity one may participate in.

I have been honored to participate and assist them in their Breath-Body-Mind Workshops for the past 6 years and look forward to teaching my own classes. So far, I have taught many individuals how to improve their quality of life through coherent breathing, and I am now eager to share this experience with a larger audience. If you are interested in experiencing a gentle, easy and scientifically proven way to reduce stress and find balance in many areas of your life, please contact me at: